Our activity began in November 1984 with the “Ralex de Rogério Mota Abrantes” Social Denomination, initially employing about 10 employees focused exclusively on the production of trousers.
Currently, EuroRalex Confecções S.A. is the largest employer in the County of Carregal do Sal and has been awarded the distinguished distinction of leading PME on several occasions.

Mission: To guarantee excellence in the confection of our products.
Vision: To be one of the main references worldwide in the confectionery industry.
Values: We consider it imperative to practice certain fundamental principles:

We pledge the utmost zeal, commitment and honor to achieve the goals set out with all economic partners, be they customers or suppliers.
With around 250 employees, there is an ethical commitment between employer and employee based on core values.
We export to more than 30 international destinations, with the U.S., the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and Spain accounting for about 80% of the production volume.
The optimization of production, the increase of quality, efficiency and constant technological innovation that we propose are some concepts of “Lean Thinking” that we adopt to continue to evolve in the pursuit of perfection.
Euroralex Confecções, S.A.
Parque Industrial S. Domingos,
lote 3 – Apartado 4
3430-951 Carregal do Sal
2024 © Euroralex Confecções S.A.
All rights reserved